GREEN SCENE has been the number one choice for  Minnetonka Tree Care since 1979. They provide a Free Consultation and Estimate within their service area in the western suburban areas. They are fully insured for your protection.Minnesota Tree Care

Consulting Arborist Garrett Gardner is an ISA Certified Arborist (MN-0212) and has been caring for trees for over 30 yrs. He has been a visitor expert for KARE 11 News, The Learning Channel, WCCO and the Rebecca Kohl Tv show. Your very first consultation is so critical because that is where your trees’ pruning and therapy is suggested. Knowledge of tree biology is critical to correct care. Your trees will be inspected for health and structural safety. You need to know if a tree is safe, if it is prone to or is diseased, and where is is in its lifespan. Only then can you make an educated decision regarding the care.  If you care about your Minnetonka  trees and you have a knowledgeable arborist that cares about trees you will know it from your first visit. GREEN SCENE Minnetonka Tree Care arborists have a passion for Minnetonka  trees that drives their knowledge about them. They are honored to be entrusted with the care of so many trees and landscapes in the Minnetonka area for the last three decades.

Let us help you with your tree concerns. Give us a call or contact us today.

We serve the following areas:

Get a Quote Today!    or    Call 952.920.3500