GREEN SCENE Golden Valley Tree Care professionals have been preserving and caring for trees in Golden Valley and western suburbs since 1979. They provide a Free Consultation within their service area in the western suburbs. They are totally insured for your protection.

Minnesota Tree CareYou are most likely at our site because you desire a Golden Valley Tree Care expert to look at your Golden Valley trees and the last tree fella you had knew more about his chainsaw than he did about plants. Or a larger company had a knowledgeable arborist out and then the service was turned over to one of their many crews and your Golden Valley trees suffered from the absence of quality control.

At GREEN SCENE, our Golden Valley Tree Care Consulting Arborist Garrett Gardner has been caring for trees for over 30 yrs and has been a visitor expert for KARE 11 News, The Learning Channel and the Rebecca Kohl Tv program. Your first consultation is so essential because that is where your trees’ pruning and therapy is prescribed. Expertise of tree biology is critical to proper care. A Silver Maple is very different from a Red Oak and trimming these two trees should be very different. Trees are not pieces of lumber with leaves connected. They are complex living organisms and are hosts to many other living organisms, some favorable and some toxic. If you care about your Golden Valley trees and you have a knowledgeable arborist that cares about trees you will know it from your first visit. GREEN SCENE  Golden Valley Tree Care arborists have a passion for  trees that drives their knowledge about them. They are honored to be entrusted with the care of so many trees and landscapes in the Golden Valley over the decades.

Let us help you with your tree concerns. Give us a call or contact us today.

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